
Top 3 Stories: Netanyahu, Sanger 1916, Biden Cancer ‘Moonshot’

Top 3 Stories: Netanyahu, Sanger 1916, Biden Cancer ‘Moonshot’

Thursday July 25, 2024: Top 3 Stories

Netanyahu Gives Powerful Defense of Israel on Capitol Hill as ‘Iran’s Useful Idiots’ Terrorize DC


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of the U.S. Congress in Washington on Wednesday for the fourth time in his storied life of service to the state of Israel. With this wartime address, he surpassed Winston Churchill as the only foreign leader in history to speak to Congress more than three times.

The visit effectively left Washington on lockdown mode, especially around the U.S. Capitol, as anti-Israel rioters roamed the streets. Some tore down the U.S. flag at Union Station and replaced it with a Palestinian flag, and thousands of others gathered to protest the prime minister’s handling of the war in Gaza, burning American flags and vandalizing monuments.

The Capitol and surrounding area were on total lockdown with sidewalks blocked off. And there was a huge law enforcement presence, not only of Capitol Police, but also more than 200 NYPD officers. Pepper gas was deployed when some members of the crowd turned violent and refused to obey orders to move back from the police line. READ FULL STORY


Project 1916: Margaret Sanger’s culture of death brings century of abortion, euthanasia and more


Oct. 16, 1916 began like any other day in New York City, but it marked the beginning of a new era in Western Civilization, for it was on that day Margaret Sanger opened the doors of the first birth control clinic in America. Most people didn’t notice the new operation; fewer partook of the services offered there. And after just nine days in business, police raided the clinic and arrested Sanger for providing contraceptive advice, a practice then prohibited by federal law.

So, that was it. Just a blip on the radar. Nothing changed except Sanger’s criminal record, right? If this had been any other progressive, perhaps. But Margaret Sanger imbibed a special kind of evil. She didn’t open her clinic because she cared for the poor or because she was an early champion or women’s rights or any other liberal talking point that’s been repeated ad nauseum by her modern fanbase. Sanger opened that little clinic in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn as the opening shot in a war against American culture — a war we’re still fighting today.

If you want to understand how we got to third-trimester abortions, infanticide, euthanasia, pornographic sex-ed, critical race theory, transgenderism, drag-queen-story-hour for children, arresting pro-life sidewalk counselors, and labeling parents who speak at school board meetings “domestic terrorists,” you have to go back to 1916, to that first birth control clinic in Brownsville. READ FULL OPINION PIECE

President Joe Biden: We Can End Cancer

Journalist Collin Rugg reporting on President Biden’s address posted on X:

JUST IN: President Joe Biden suggests he is going to try to cure cancer before he leaves office while giving his address from the Oval Office.

Big, if true.

With just 6 months left, President Biden seems to be confident that he can cure cancer.

“I will keep fighting for my cancer moonshot so we can end cancer as we know it. We can do it.”

Biden was frequently promised he will cure cancer as president.

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